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Okay, boys and girls, as promised I'm giving away two complete sets of Edward Carey's Iremonger Trilogy: Heap House, Foulsham, and Lungdon! This is a fantastical brew that borrows from Charles Dickens, Edgar Allan Poe, Lewis Carrol, and Tim Burton (with a dash of the Brothers Grimm), that manages to be wholly original. According to the book jacket, this trilogy is targeted at ages 10 and up. This set would make a great holiday gift. If you haven't read any of the books yet, here's a portion of my review of the third book in the trilogy, Lungdon:

"Inexplicable things are happening to the people and things of London: school desks sprout fifth legs, hat stands weep, fire extinguishers grow taller, a terrestrial globe in a stateroom in Buckingham Palace has come down with pox, orcs are ubiquitous and doppelgangers lurk, people disappear and objects appear. In short, rotten Iremongers are spoiling everything. Clod has begun to understand the secret to the strength of his telekinetic power over objects and begins to exercise this power. It is up to Clod to save his family or save London. Confused, manipulated, angry, and heartbroken, Clod the diffident becomes Clod the righteous conjurer and he must choose. Lungdon, the final volume in the Iremonger Trilogy, is the tale of how Clod earns his trousers."
For the entire review, please click here

The contest begins NOW and ends at midnight, Tuesday, November 10th. If you'd like to enter to win a set of all three Iremonger books, please:

               1. Share the post to Facebook and/or Twitter.

               2. Leave a comment on this post with a link to the 
                   shared post.

               3. Wait.

I'll choose the winners by random drawing and announce the results here on Thursday, November 12. Good luck!